2009 was the year to remember, 2010 is now the year to look forward to...

So many amazing times and experiences, eye opening memories that will last a life time, along with lessons which we will take with us into the near future and some things which we will leave behind us as - we start the year afresh again.

Quote of 2008: “Always look forward, don’t ever look back!”

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pursuing Your Dreams...

I remember back when I was in High school and even back in primary school, thinking to myself how do people decide who they want to be in life. I mean does a 12 year old kid just wake up one morning and say: I want to be an astronaught and fly into space one day... or even be the youngest person to climb to the top of Mt Everest... Can these just be only Dreams or become reality as well? What about a 15 year old girl who makes a decision that she wants to be a Captain of a ship... These all just sound like dreams right? Wrong! These dreams and decisions that you make can become your life. If this is what you want to do then just go for it! What have you got to lose...?

“Life is not about spending your entire time trying to reach your dreams and goals. Life is about living your dreams out every day until you reach your goal in life. Your whole life is a dream of planning and living, so do all you can do today to enjoy the journey for every track you end up travelling on."

"If you have Dreams and Goals and are passionate about reaching them then for what it’s worth don’t let anything or anyone stop you from achieving them. You will reach them if you set your heart to it!"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Worst experience of any Seafarer

I was tossing up between two choices: One - If suddenly we were in the middle of the ocean on a ship and were completely out of range of all communications. No cell phone, no email, no facebook! And then a disastrous emergency situation occurred! Or the second one being the ship sinking in the middle of the ocean at night and everyone having to evacuate in life rafts... A slow and cold painful death!

But when I actually took a moment to think what would be the worst nightmare for me personally would be, it would have to be to receive bad news from back home while I am away in the middle of the ocean. So helpless! News of a death or sickness of a loved one, a relationship break up, something along those lines. You are so far away from home and land that there is literally nothing that you can do about it. Not a nice experience if you ask me. Thank God I haven’t had an experience like this.

Winter weather is coming...

June 2010. We are now half way through the year (currently in Winter here in New Zealand and geez are we feeling it) We all know the winter season is a time for wet, cold and miserable weather, right? Have you ever noticed why many seafarers don’t complain about being home during the winter time? On land when a cold Southerly wind can be quite startling, for seafarers, they know that whatever wind you are experiencing on land you can expect at least 4 times colder and stronger out at sea.

The Happy and Successful Life

Is it at all possible? The majority of this world would definitely say No, while a small 1% would say Yes and spend hours telling you how to go about this.
So ask yourself this question? Have you ever been in a place where you are so over the moon and extremely happy with everything in your life? You have the perfect family, best loving partner, worlds best paying job, a degree, great fun friends to socialise with, endless streams of money pouring in weekly, a live-in house maid, a flash car, fast boat and could not ask for anything more? Life would sound perfect don’t you think? But is that for everyone? From my personal point of view a Happy and Successful Life varies with everyone. For some people money means everything, and for others just having a roof over your head and great fun friends around you is enough. Your status in this world is entirely up to you, what you want and where you want to go in this life. Happiness can only be determined from within each individual. Success comes from achievements and reaching personal goals.
So the next time you drive past a Mercedes Benz on the motorway, don’t envy the drivers life and image of pockets full of money. Turn to you at your own life, what you have that make YOU Happy!

Hobbies and Interests

Do you have a personal hobby? Maybe an interest that occupies most of your spare time? Well I do now. Recently I have taken up a winter sport/hobby. Snowboarding! One of the high adrenaline filled extreme sports ever! The buzz you get from Snowboarding up in high mountains, all covered in snow, is breathe taking. The speeds you pick up on the slopes, quick reactions and responses then the social side of the sport afterwards... Words can’t describe how I feel now. Finding something, a hobby that interests me so much that I would skip a dinner date to go and do.
Hobbies bring Happiness and Fulfilment, Happiness and Fulfilment bring balance to your life.