2009 was the year to remember, 2010 is now the year to look forward to...

So many amazing times and experiences, eye opening memories that will last a life time, along with lessons which we will take with us into the near future and some things which we will leave behind us as - we start the year afresh again.

Quote of 2008: “Always look forward, don’t ever look back!”

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Worst experience of any Seafarer

I was tossing up between two choices: One - If suddenly we were in the middle of the ocean on a ship and were completely out of range of all communications. No cell phone, no email, no facebook! And then a disastrous emergency situation occurred! Or the second one being the ship sinking in the middle of the ocean at night and everyone having to evacuate in life rafts... A slow and cold painful death!

But when I actually took a moment to think what would be the worst nightmare for me personally would be, it would have to be to receive bad news from back home while I am away in the middle of the ocean. So helpless! News of a death or sickness of a loved one, a relationship break up, something along those lines. You are so far away from home and land that there is literally nothing that you can do about it. Not a nice experience if you ask me. Thank God I haven’t had an experience like this.