Confidence is attractive, beautiful and essential to maintaining a healthy self-esteem. We were all born with confidence, but sometimes life’s happenings can knock it out of us. 10 things that confidence is are: being sure of who you are, boldness, assurance, intimacy, openness, security, positive and accurate self-talk, friendliness, graciousness and purposefulness. Confidence enables YOU to decide for yourself! Woman are found to be a lot more sensitive to men. They take a lot to heart, are compassionate towards others and care a lot about their appearance. Woman can easily lose their confidence in themselves when someone criticizes the way they look or the way they do things. Self-esteem is fuelled by your own confidence and perception of yourself. Deep down all women are Princesses – we are all attractive and beautiful in our own unique way.
That's right Women do go to sea, not just as stewards. There are a rising number of Women heading to sea now to become Chief Officers and Captains of Cruise Ships, RoRo and Container vessels, and Rail Ferries. That's my Dream, passion and goals summed up in these few sentences. To become a Captain and be the best that I can be while at the same time encouraging other young woman to take on the same challenges as I did. Think and dream big then step on board a ship and let your passion lead you.
2009 was the year to remember, 2010 is now the year to look forward to...
Quote of 2008: “Always look forward, don’t ever look back!”
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Confidence is attractive, beautiful and essential to maintaining a healthy self-esteem. We were all born with confidence, but sometimes life’s happenings can knock it out of us. 10 things that confidence is are: being sure of who you are, boldness, assurance, intimacy, openness, security, positive and accurate self-talk, friendliness, graciousness and purposefulness. Confidence enables YOU to decide for yourself! Woman are found to be a lot more sensitive to men. They take a lot to heart, are compassionate towards others and care a lot about their appearance. Woman can easily lose their confidence in themselves when someone criticizes the way they look or the way they do things. Self-esteem is fuelled by your own confidence and perception of yourself. Deep down all women are Princesses – we are all attractive and beautiful in our own unique way.