“Body image is what our eyes see when we look in the mirror and self-esteem is how we feel about what we see when we look in the mirror!”
Most people think of body image as the picture of the body in the mind’s eye. This is only one of four factors that determine our final body image. Body image is the sum total of the visual, emotional, physical and historical aspects of a person and is influenced by their own beliefs and attitudes as well as ideals in society. Body image not only affects our behaviour, it also influences our self-esteem and personal identity.
“Look in the mirror and smile at yourself, allow others to compliment and encourage you, believe you are valuable no matter what and always be glad that you are YOU!”
The honest thing is that a mirror will never lie to you. A mirror reflects back to you the exact same image which looks into it. Whether you like it or not that’s the honest truth. Nothing can truly show you who you are apart from a mirror. Spend time looking at yourself, identify the features which make you the unique person who you are and the parts of your body which you like. You will then start to notice a change in how you view yourself – happier, more confident, content and full of life again!