Oh how my life has changed so much over the last 8 years. I used to be known as the sporty girl who would never stop. Every where you looked you would see Megan either working, running, studying, teaching, painting, helping someone out or busy working away at a task. I was unstoppable. My body would function on 3 hours sleep a night (max) and that was all that I needed to get up early again at 0500 to start a full on day. Exercising everyday and running when I could. Sit ups and press ups each night before bed. My routine became my life. The long day would then switch into a long night full up with studies till the early hours of the morning again. This was the kind of lifestyle which I lived for 5 years straight. Adrenaline kept me going, the studies kept me awake and my passion and love for my job and career kept me happy. Over time things did begin to change. My body requires more and more sleep now as I get older so therefore sleep has become a big part of my life. I just love my sleep ins now, not having to wake up to alarm clocks everyday, oh its so nice. I now have what you would call Balance in my life. Balance consisting of work, sleep, fun, friends and family time, relationship and love time and most important of all ME time. Looking back now so much has changed. None of the changes though have been ones with regrets as all have played their part in making me who I am today. Change can be a beautiful thing and it can be exciting as well as fulfilling, all you have to do is be willing to play your part…