2009 was the year to remember, 2010 is now the year to look forward to...

So many amazing times and experiences, eye opening memories that will last a life time, along with lessons which we will take with us into the near future and some things which we will leave behind us as - we start the year afresh again.

Quote of 2008: “Always look forward, don’t ever look back!”

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Seeing and Comparing...

Everywhere you look you are always going to see someone more beautiful than you are. Someone who’s hair is more perfect and body is more toned than yours. How do you know this though? By gosh she could be thinking the same thing about you! What brings on these thoughts? Surely if you like who you are as a person and wouldn’t change anything about your appearance then what others look like should have no impact on your life. Surely these thoughts can’t be coming from the innocent chick walking past you! These feelings of insecurity and self hate come when you are not happy with whom you are in yourself, feelings created by you. So the only way which you will be able to address the need to compare yourself to someone else is to first start to look in the mirror and identify your beautiful features. This will be hard at first and will take a bit of time, but I honestly can tell you that the more you think about how gorgeous you are the more confident you will become as a woman. Your beauty will radiate to all around you and you won’t feel the need to compare yourself to anyone else anymore.