I have spoken with many of my friends over the last few weeks about their New Years Resolutions, basically trying to find out the background as to why people set them in the first place. 40% of the people I asked say that they like to keep their New Years Resolutions private and to themselves, 50% like to share them with everyone around them because this gives them strength to achieve them and then 10% didn’t believe in setting NYR. Well I am in the 50%, I like to share my NYR with the people around me and then celebrate when I achieve them.
So far for 2010 I have set 8 NYR in place which I hope to achieve:
1.) Take an hour a day for “ME” time (time to think and reflect)
2.) Gain my Chief Mates FG ticket at the Maritime School and top the class.
3.) Look after my health and fitness and maintain a healthy fit weight all year.
4.) Be more committed to sticking to my word and plans with friends.
5.) Save enough money for our next holiday away on a Cruise Ship (Alaska)
6.) Become a more patient and tolerant person.
7.) Continue to maintain my friendships with my girls!!!
Well that about sums up my New Years Resolutions set for 2010 already, as you know I will be adding to the list every now and then throughout the year.
“Everything is achievable if you set your mind and heart to it!”