2009 was the year to remember, 2010 is now the year to look forward to...

So many amazing times and experiences, eye opening memories that will last a life time, along with lessons which we will take with us into the near future and some things which we will leave behind us as - we start the year afresh again.

Quote of 2008: “Always look forward, don’t ever look back!”

Thursday, November 19, 2009

--- TIME ---

The one thing that we can not control, can never get back, it eventually runs out and can seem endless yet at the same time so short… Where does it come from? Where does it go? You can chase it but you will never be able to catch it.
Time determines so much in our daily lives. Sometime we wish we had more of it and that it would never end and other times we wish that it would all just stop. Oh if we could just go back in time to change something we did in hope for a better outcome, but would we be where we are in life today without our past experiences?